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How to get access to free WI-FI in the Philippines

Want to have a  free Wi-Fi connection to check your emails and take a look on your Facebook? Here is how. Just make sure you are not in the forest but you are in the Wi-F-hotspot location such as public plazas and parks; public libraries, schools, colleges and universities; rural health units and government hospitals; train stations, airports, and seaports; and national and local government offices.

The Department of Information and Communication (DICT) has launched the Juan Konek Free Public WI-FI project that aims to provide free broadband Internet access to 1 municipalitiesand cities nationwide. 

Its goal is to make Internet access available for all Filipinos to accelerate economic, social and educational opportunities. 

How to Register to Juan Konek Free WI-FI

For New Users, you must create a new account and fill up the necessary fields on the screen:
  1. Email Address
  2. First Name
  3. Middle Name
  4.  Last Name
  5. ID Number and Type of Government-Issued ID
  6.  Password
  7. Confirmation of Password
After filling up fields with the correct information, click on REGISTER. The system will send a confirmation email to the registered account, detailing the status of your subscription. 

You will need to check the registered email and click on the system-generated email in order to activate your account. f.2.2 Once the confirmation email has been processed, input your EMAIL and PASSWORD on the EXISTING LEVEL 2 USERS fields and choose SIGN-IN. 

You will be then directed to the Juan, Konek! Homepage. 

To continue web-browsing, click on the GO ONLINE button located at the bottom part of the Juan, Konek! Homepage.

How to connect to Juan Konek Free Wi-Fi

Step 1. Turn-On the Wi-Fi feature of your device. Check your device’s manual for this. Successfully turning your Wi-Fi on would mean being able to see a list of the available Wi-Fi networks. 

Step 2. Select the Juan, Konek! Free Public Wi-Fi on the available networks Wait until the Juan, Konek! Welcome Page appears, and select ENTER. 

Step 3. Choose your preferred language  Click on the AGREE button on the TERMS AND CONDITIONS PAGE. 

Step 4. Choose your preferred TYPE OF ACCESS: INSTANT ACCESS provides 50 MB daily; REGISTERED ACCESSprovides 100 MB daily. Choosing INSTANT ACCESS will automatically bring you to the Juan, Konek! Homepage. Click on the GO ONLINE button located on the bottom of the homepage in order to continue browsing.

All information provided here are from the The Department of Information and Communication (DICT)

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